Benjamin Rosnick, DVM | Euthanasia (house call / mobile vet), end of life care, put pet to sleep
Your pet's personal physician in your personal space

When the time comes to say goodbye to your loved one, I provide a compassionate experience to help your pet pass peacefully and without pain, in the privacy of your home. This is known as euthanasia, or what people often refer to as 'putting a pet to sleep'. I have the experience and gentle approach to turn a difficult decision into as positive experience as you can find. While I provide a range of house call / mobile vet services in the greater Los Angeles area, I have a lot of pride in my ability to help grieving pet owners through these difficult situations.

If you are concerned or unsure if now is the right time, I am here for you. Call or email me for a pre-consultation at no charge. I am a patient person, and I will counsel to help you make the decision that is right for you and your as well as assisting you with final arrangements.